Herding Code 231: .NET Foundation Elections, WSL, MAX_PATH, calc.exe, Edge on Chromium, Firefox, and Rogue Thermostats

Download / Listen: Herding Code 231: .NET Foundation Elections, WSL, MAX_PATH, calc.exe, Edge on Chromium, Firefox, and Rogue Thermostats

Kevin, K Scott, and Jon talk about .NET Foundation Elections, WSL, MAX_PATH, calc.exe, Edge on Chromium, Firefox, and Rogue Thermostats.

Some links:

Herding Code 230: 2018 Year End Wrapup

Download / Listen: Herding Code 230: 2018 Year End Wrapup

Kevin, K Scott, Jon, and Rob Conery talked about what they’ve been learning, programming languages vs. async patterns, message queues, blockchain, Claude Shannon, Mandarin, learning to play the drums, making perfect lattes, and more.

In the interest of getting this out there, this one going up the same day it was recorded, without detailed notes. Maybe we’ll update the notes, maybe we won’t.


Herding Code 228: 2017 Wrap Up with Microservices, .NET Foundation, Mixed Reality, Bitcoin, Alexa

Download / Listen: Herding Code 228: 2017 Wrap Up with Microservices, .NET Foundation, Mixed Reality, Bitcoin, Alexa

The gang gets together to talk about what they’ve been up to, year end wrap-up, and some random odds and ends.


  • K Scott’s been focused on cloud stuff – moving apps to the cloud. Kevin’s been working with rearchitecting an application to Node based microservices. They’re using Docker some in dev, but not in production. There’s a discussion about Docker based deployments.
  • Jon talks about what’s been going on with .NET Foundation: Meetup Pro, new projects joining, etc. Kevin makes Jon explain what the .NET Foundation actually is.
  • Mixed Reality – What can you actually do with it? The guys wonder if it’s neat but niche, comparing it to Kinect and the Segway.
  • Cryptocurrency!
    • Jon talks about how he accidentally ended up with $250ish in Bitcoin and $10 Dogecoin.
    • The Bitcoin Pizza, Scott Hanselman’s $3500 USB cable.
    • K Scott never bought any because he didn’t need to buy meth or pay off a hitman.
    • Jon wondered if he could make money mining Bitcoin with solar power, but the internet told him no.
    • K Scott’s OdeToCode.com website was mining Bitcoin, he claims it wasn’t him.
  • Jon talks about how the Herding Code site was hacked.
  • Net Neutrality: Does public opinion matter? What will the result be? Jon and K Scott bemoan the fact that many consumers don’t really have much choice on internet providers.
  • iPhone discussions: Does the notch matter? Kevin misses the home button. The guys talk about how touch gestures are sometimes frustrating.
  • Alexa and voice based commands: what works, what doesn’t?

Herding Code 227: Rob Ashton on Better Coffee Through Science

Download / Listen: Herding Code 227: Rob Ashton on on Better Coffee Through Science

While at NDC Oslo, Jon talked to Rob about how he and the Tame Baristas crew make amazing coffee.


  • What’s the deal with Tame Baristas and making coffee at software conventions?
  • Ensuring consistency – precise weights, equipment
  • The imporance of a quality coffee grinder (he uses an EK43)
  • Freezing coffee – actually a good thing?!?
  • What’s the deal with pour over coffee?
  • What’s the best way to up your home coffee game on a budget?
  • What do you do when you’re not making coffee? Spoiler: Elm and Erlang.

Herding Code 226: Jon Skeet on .NET at Google and Feminism for Geeks

Download / Listen: Herding Code 226: Jon Skeet on .NET at Google and Feminism for Geeks

Show Notes:

  • .NET at Google
    • (00:17) Jon G asks Jon Skeet about what he does at Google and how it relates to .NET. Jon’s working to make the Google Cloud Platform great for .NET developers. This is two-fold: if you’re a .NET developer he’d like GCP to be a great place for you to host applications, and if you’re a GCP developer he’d like .NET to be an obvious choice for you to build your applications.
    • (01:50) Jon G asks about what languages GCP supports, and how .NET fits in. Jon Skeet says it’s an obvious fit on the server-side, and he also sees that .NET has a great cross-platform and device story for clients. .NET Core landed at a great time for them to embrace it.
    • (03:59) K Scott asks what came first: the decision to embrace .NET, or .NET going open-source / cross-platform.
    • (05:15) Jon G asks for a quick Google Cloud Platform for Azure developers overview.
  • Feminism for Geeks
    • (08:22) K Scott asks about Jon Skeet’s “Code Like A Girl” shirt. Jon S talks about his recent interest in feminism. Jon Skeet talks about
    • (12:35) Jon G talks about worries about “doing the wrong thing” in trying to help. Jon Skeet talks about lessons he’s learned and gives some great advice.