Episode 41: Next Generation Twitter Client Discussion At MIX09

While at MIX09, Jon sat in on a brainstorming discussion about next generation Twitter clients running on WPF and Silverlight 3 with Tim Heuer, Chris Bennage, and Alan Le. This was originally just recorded for a few people who couldn’t be there for our meeting, but we had enough positive feedback that we’re publishing it as a podcast.

DISCLAIMER: This was recorded in a noisy room, and while I’ve done what I can to eliminate background noise and even out the vocal levels, the audio quality is poor (even by Herding Code standards). You’ve been warned.

Thanks to Tim, Chris, and Alan for giving their permission to publish this.

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Episode 41: Next Generation Twitter Client Discusion At MIX09

[audio: //herdingcode.com/wp-content/uploads/HerdingCode-0041-Next-Generation-Twitter-Client-Discusion-At-MIX09.mp3]