Herding Code 104: Rob Eisenberg on Caliburn Micro

You remember Rob Eisenberg from Herding Code Show #57 when he talked presentation patterns along with Jeremy Miller, Ward Bell and Glenn Block. Well, in this episode of Herding Code, the conversation continues as Rob talks with the guys about Caliburn.Micro, an opinionated MVVM framework for WPF, Silverlight and WP7.

  • Kevin kicks off this week’s show asking Rob to tell us about Caliburn.Micro – his opinionated MVVM framework for WPF, Silverlight and WP7. Rob talks about how actions, support for conventions, and presentation roles are implemented in his opinionated MVVM framework.
  • Rob explains how about Caliburn – his earlier framework built for WPF – has contributed its most important features to the easier-to-use, lighter Caliburn Micro.
  • Jon brings up extensibility and inquires about how one overrides functionality in Cabiburn Micro.
  • Kevin and Rob talk about view resolution and the difference between ViewModel-First and View-First development which are both offered in Caliburn Micro.
  • Kevin asks designer integration and the “blendability” of Caliburn Micro.
  • Rob explains the convention-based approach Caliburn Micro takes toward bindings and actions and the guys speak to the importance of diagnostic mechanisms when your coding is based on magic of convention.
  • Kevin asks if that were places where the WPF/Silverlight/WP7 frameworks limited what Caliburn Micro could implement due to lack of extensibility points.
  • Rob dives into IResult and Coroutines and how one can write asynchronous calls in a synchronous a manner with Caliburn Micro. Rob then answers how coroutines compare to the implementation coming in C# 5?
  • Kevin asks about window management screen conductor and roles.
  • The guys discuss their experience working with Silverlight and WPF.
  • Jon asks about community contributions to Caliburn Micro and brings up the social aspect of open source and Mercurial projects in particular.
  • The show gets its first question from the hotline from Rick who asks, “What does Caliburn do that MVVM Light Toolkit does not do?”
  • Rob touches upon the Pub/Sub and window management features offered in Caliburn Micro and also talks about IoC friendliness.
  • The guys talk about Rob’s elegant yet unorthodox approach to the service location in Caliburn Micro.
  • Rob offers a quick preview of what’s to come next in Caliburn Micro.
  • Rob notes that he’s submitted a talk for Mix11: “Build Your Own MVVM Framework with Html and JavaScript”
  • The guys discuss Knockout JS and its influence on Caliburn Micro.
  • The show wraps with Kevin (in Scott K’s absence) asking THE question: “Is Silverlight dead?” Tune in and find out the answer to that one…

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    Show notes compiled by Ben Griswold. Thanks!

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    Herding Code 104: Rob Eisenberg on Caliburn Micro

