Herding Code 187: Brock Allen on ASP.NET Security and Identity

At NDC London, Jon and K. Scott talk to Paul Betts about several of his recent open source libraries designed to simplify cross platform development on C#.

Download / Listen: Herding Code 187: Brock Allen on ASP.NET Security and Identity

Show Notes:

  • Intro
    • (00:18) Brock gave two presentations on security at NDC, as well as a two day pre-conference workshop with Dominick Baier (also on security).
  • Brock’s contribution of CORS support to ASP.NET Web API
    • (00:35) Jon asks Brock about the CORS support he recently contributed to ASP.NET Web API. Brock tells the history of how he built a CORS implementation at Thinktecture and how he went about contributing it.
    • (01:21) Jon asks Brock about what was involved in his CORS implementation. Brock describes the limitations browsers place on cross-origin requests and how CORS solves that. It’s defined in the HTML5 specs and is supported by all modern browsers.
    • (02:12) Jon asks what’s required on the server for CORS to work. Brock explains how servers respond to browsers to tell them they support CORS and which other servers they want to allow communications with.
    • (02:45) The most common form of browser communications for CORS is via an OPTIONS request from the browser, to which the server responds using predefined headers.
    • (03:14) K. Scott asks about the process of getting his CORS implementation added to the ASP.NET Web API codebase. Brock explains the process, including his big pull request and the month of work he and Yao put in to getting the code "Microsoftified." Brock’s implementation was pretty broad, the shipping version was targeted just at Web API.
  • Thinktecture Identity Model
    • (04:59) Jon asks if there’s any reason to use the Thinktecture Identity Model version now. Brock explains the other areas that Identity Model supports, and that many of the features of Thinktecture Identity Model have been removed as ASP.NET Web API has added a lot of these features to the core.
  • ASP.NET Identity and Membership Reboot
    • (06:09) K. Scott asks how the identity features in Thinktecture Identity Model compare to the new features shipped in the new ASP.NET Identity system. Brock describes the problems that the ASP.NET Identity system was designed to solve.
    • (07:02) Brock describes the membership system he wrote as an alternative to the ASP.NET provider model system, called Membership Reboot. His Membership Reboot system includes things like password resets and e-mail account verification which are not in the initial version of ASP.NET Identity, but he thinks that the new system is well architected to add these in, since it’s just a NuGet package.
    • (07:42) Jon asks Brock about the other features Membership Reboot covers. Brock says that was the subject of one of his talks – how he implemented features like password reset, e-mail verification and two factor authentication without opening up attack vectors.
  • ASP.NET Security
    • (08:27) K. Scott asks about the other talks Brock did at NDC London. His other talk was on ASP.NET Core Security – he focused on teasing apart the membership and forms authentication parts so they’re understood as separate components.
    • (09:20) Jon asks Brock how he got interested in security. Brock talks about his background in programming, and how he thinks it’s interesting to see how the different parts work together.
    • (09:48) Jon talks about cases he sees where developers decide they want to write their own security implementations for speed or other reasons. Brock says that was one of the key points of his talk: you don’t want to implement those things yourself.
    • (10:19) Jon asks about common security issues that developers commonly forget to consider. Brock lists several: proper implementation of SSL, password management, etc.
  • What’s Next For Brock?
    • (11:09) Jon asks what’s next for Brock. He’ll be busy: he’s got a lot of course rework for recent updates, Identity Server v3 (with OpenID Connect).
    • (11:46) Jon asks how OpenID Connect affects him as a developer.
    • (13:15) K. Scott asks what Brock does to relax. Brock does Tai Chi and Kung Fu.

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Herding Code 186: Paul Betts on three cross-platform libraries: splat, ModernHttpClient and punchclock

At NDC London, Jon and K. Scott talk to Paul Betts about several of his recent open source libraries designed to simplify cross platform development on C#.

Download / Listen: Herding Code 186: Paul Betts on three cross-platform libraries: splat, ModernHttpClient and punchclock

Show Notes:

  • Intro
    • (00:18) Jon welcomes Paul back – he’s been on a few times before, talking about GitHub for Windows and Reactive UI.
    • (00:28) Paul has a dream: he’d like to write applications in C# and have them run everywhere: iOS, Android, Windows Phone maybe even WinRT. He’s not interested in sharing everything (views or designer code), but there’s plenty of other code that developers shouldn’t need to rewrite for every platform.
    • (01:16) Jon asks if Xamarin doesn’t help with this. Paul says that Xamarin’s intention is to give you direct access to the native platform, which is good when developing for a specific platform, but not when you’re working on cross-platform applications.
    • 01:32 Paul’s been on a crusade, writing a lot of small, cross-platform libraries.
  • splat
    • (01:48) splat is a library that lets you share certain things in cross-platform viewmodels, the biggest one being images. It allows for the simple load-and-display scenario. Each platform hast its own image types; splat gives you a common abstract image type that you can then cast to a native image. This allows you to write cross-platform viewmodels and just have native views. splat also gives you System.Drawing on platforms that don’t have it, e.g. WinRT by providing common types for primitives like colors and rectangles.
    • (04:08) Jon asks if portable class libraries will help with this. Paul explains the PCL operations for splat.
    • (04:45) Jon asks about support for high-DPI / Retina images. Paul talks about how the different platforms handle high DPI images.
  • ModernHttpClient
    • (05:44) Paul says that HttpClient is implemented on Xamarin using HttpWebRequest. This has some problems: it doesn’t use 3G on iOS, and it’s a blocking call. That means if you make several web requests, you end up with a bunch of waiting threads and the app slows down.
    • (06:45) There are better APIs available on each platform, so Paul’s taken the most popular HTTP libraries on each platform and made them HttpClient compatible. HttpClient allows you to specify an HttpMessageHandler, so in your portable library you can just drop in the handlers provided by ModernHttpClient .
    • (08:33) In the latest version, Paul’s done work to make sure you can cancel requests. This lets you cancel a request based on headers (e.g. status codes or ETags) which can make a big difference on mobile network usage.
    • (09:23) Jon asks how it works in the Windows platforms. Paul says that on WinRT it’s already built in, and on Windows Phone there’s no way to do anything better than HttpWebRequest.
    • Jon asks a bit more about how you use it. Paul explains how platform-specific factory methods can provide the different handlers.
  • punchclock
    • (11:00) punchclock lets you make multiple web requests; it queues them up and makes the requests for you so there are a maximum of four web requests at a time. It’s based on an Android library called Volley.
    • (12:20) punchclock is a priority based scheduler. You can then make things like analytics low priority and user initiated requests high priority.
    • (13:12) It’s not just specific to network requests, you can use it for anything that’s awaitable.
  • What’s Paul using these on?
    • (13:35) Jon asks Paul what kind of mobile applications he’s building that are pushing him to build these libraries. Paul says he’s been working on some internal applications at GitHub. One example is a support application called Halp. It lets customer support people use @mention style messages to developers, allowing developers to respond quickly from mobile devices.
  • Reactive UI documentation
    • (15:10) Jon asks Paul what he’s been doing when he’s not writing cool code. Paul says he’s been working on documentation for Reactive UI by writing one big article per day.

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