Episode 36: Scott Watermasysk

This week, the Herding Code cast talks shop with Scott Watermasysk about cloud computing, blogging platforms, Internet Explorer, the DotNetOpenId project and much more:

  • Scott W, Scott K and Jon discuss Azure, Amazon Web Services and Google App Engine.
  • Jon asks Scott W to share his thoughts on blogging platforms and the difficulties around their development due to their many edge cases and full feature set.
  • Scott W answers a listener question about his thoughts on Silverlight.
  • Scott K, Jon and Scott W rant about corporations continuing to run IE6, why IE8 killed Scott W’s inner child and why, oh why, won’t Microsoft just rewrite Internet Explorer already.
  • Scott W shares his strategy for evaluating and learning new technologies and how to successfully manage remote development teams.
  • Scott W and the guys talk about the demise of SQL and the higher dependency on ORMs and traditional database alternatives like CouchDB.
  • Scott W comments on Silverlight and ASP.NET MVC and whether these technologies help solve his customers’ problems today.

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Episode 36: Scott Watermasysk
[audio: //herdingcode.com/wp-content/uploads/HerdingCode-0036-Scott-Watermasysk.mp3]
